Click here to go straight to our weekly updates in response to the COVID-19 Pandemic.


I N I T I A L   A N N O U N C E M E N T

Our community is facing an unprecedented situation as a result of the Coronavirus.

During this time, we believe it is important to provide this update on how we’re approaching the situation at WBP Group.

To those who have sick family members or friends, or who are sick themselves as a result of this virus, our heart goes out to you. Please accept our wishes for a full recovery.


In the current circumstances we understand many customers may want to limit the amount of time they come into close contact with others. Whilst we have always had strict hygiene practices in place, we have implemented additional precautionary measures:

  • Prior to a valuation inspection being scheduled, a pre-screening questionnaire has been added to our booking procedure to ensure we can proactively prevent our Valuers coming into contact with anyone who is the subject of a ‘quarantine order’ by a health authority or a self-isolation/self-quarantine scenario. This process is also repeated before a property valuer steps inside the property.
  • Our highly skilled Property Valuers take no longer than is necessary to undertake a valuation inspection.
  • All staff including Valuers are following hygiene protocols based on government advice; sanitising hands and materials before and after each appointment.
  • We have all staff working remotely and as a result, we have been able to almost completely remove close contact between staff members.
  • We have requested that if any staff member feels unwell, they remain at home (and they are doing so).
  • WBP Group continues to operate on a “business as usual” basis and does not have any team members displaying the symptoms associated with COVID-19.


Our investment to develop and implement a work-from-home infrastructure predates this issue so we want to assure all businesses and local communities that we remain at 100% operational capacity and are extremely well placed to continue to do so as further events unfold.

We continue to closely monitor the COVID-19 situation and have established a dedicated team who meet daily to refine and update the measures adopted in line with advice issued by authorities.

What is most important is that as this issue develops, social distancing should only be a matter of physical proximity. We believe that successful businesses are based on good and lasting relationships. This means that our national collaboration with our clients and industry partners will foster a more connected and caring environment as we continue to deliver services to our customer communities specially though this unprecedented time.

Should you wish to obtain further information or engage with WBP Group regarding these matters, please do not hesitate to reach out to us.

For more information about COVID-19, please visit these official websites:

Australian Government Department of Health COVID-19 Updates

World Health Organisation COVID-19 Information Centre




23 March 2020

Our Learning and Development team has rolled out a course on Infectious Disease Prevention available to all staff to provide more information and encourage higher precautionary measures.

All hands on deck from different areas of our business to ensure that our staff are informed, engaged and protected.



20 March 2020


Stocks of hand sanitisers, gloves and masks are now heading their way to our property valuers all over the country.

Additional orders were lodged for the coming weeks and months to protect both our valuers and customers.


18 March 2020

Inspection guidelines were revised to adopt more safety measures and additional advice from the Australian Department of Health.

Physical distancing of 1.5 metres, constant sanitation and disinfection, avoidance of hand contact on eyes, nose and mouth, no unnecessary touching of surfaces while on inspections and even avoiding handshakes are now part of  a more cautious property valuation inspection.


16 March 2020

WBP Group took on an active role in communicating and collaborating with financial services and property industry leaders.

WBP Group CEO, Brendan Smith collaborates with RVI group members consisting of lenders, valuation firms, mortgage insurers, panel managers and the API to established and develop scenarios and potential actions/future planning on behalf of the property industry.



13 March 2020

As a preventative measure and to avoid risks associated with staff using public transport and in the interest of safety and security, all valuers and office personnel have been advised to work from home.

The entire team have since been connected seamlessly to company systems, programs and other staff members. Our Performance Optimisation team have been working hard to keep everyone updated with IT support whilst they work from home.


12 March 2020

Sanitary measures including enhanced office sanitisation and regular disinfection were communicated throughout our national team. On an individual level, everyone was advised to regularly disinfect materials they use, wash hands and practice social distancing.

Valuers were required to practice sound hygiene including sanitising prior to and following an inspection.



12 March 2020

From 3 February, WBP initiated the first of its COVID-19 responses to update our inspection booking process to include scripting with regards to questioning occupants travel to China. This has since been updated two further times to cover expanded high-risk zones and now in line with the API instructions to focus questioning on medically imposed and self-imposed quarantine requirements.

As of 12th March, 2020 a company wide business travel ban was enforced for the entire WBP Group workforce.